Community Education Forum on Market-Rate Monster Development Proposed for SF 16th St. BART Plaza


Demands Escalate to Stop Current Project Proposal and for a Safe and Vibrant Plaza that Serves Existing Community

WHAT:  “We Cannot Afford This In Our Neighborhood//No Podemos Permitir Esto en Nuestra Comunidad”:  Multi-Lingual community forum at the Victoria Theater regarding the proposed development of 350 market-rate units at 16th St. Bart Plaza. Organized by Plaza 16 Coalition.
WHEN: Thursday May 15th, 6:00-8:00pm
WHERE: Victoria Theater, 2961 Capp St. x 16th St.  San Francisco.

(photo by Andy Blue)

This event marks the first community organized discussion on the proposed monster project and follows previous action by the coalition opposing the development on February 1, 2014.

The Forum is organized and facilitated by the Plaza 16 Coalicion/Coalition, a broad and diverse coalition of community organizations, merchants, and neighbors demanding a halt to the current proposal and all market-rate developments in the Mission until housing for the poor and working class is fully restored and practices of community based planning for people not profit are implemented.

The La Plaza 16 Coalición/ The Plaza 16 Coalition has come together to advocate for the 1979 Mission Street site to be used for affordable housing. Our coalition builds on the decades of planning and organizing in the Mission that created Plan Popular and won affordable housing for our communities.

The Coalition does not believe the currently proposed development project will primarily serve the needs of the existing community and thus opposes the development until it is tailored to meet the need for truly affordable housing in the neighborhood. Member organizations include: CARECEN, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, Dolores Street Community Services, Eviction Mapping Project, Housing Rights Committee, Latino Democratic Club, Mission Economic Development Agency, Mission Neighborhood Resource Center, and PODER.

Read more here //

Check out  FB event HERE!

For more info on the development check out:




Meanwhile, read CJJCs report which examines the effects of gentrification and displacement in San Francisco and Oakland neighborhoods, and which calls for urgent housing policy changes.

As tenants in both San Francisco and Oakland reel under the highest rents in the nation, new development and investment (such as this proposed 16th St. Bart Plaza monster development)  is causing tremendous market pressures destabilizing everything from housing to health to political power.

“Gentrification is the process of social, cultural, and economic transformation that is taking place in many centrally located urban neighborhoods which have experienced historic disinvestment. It involves significant increases in rental and for-sale housing costs, the in-migration of higher-income, white, and college-educated residents and the out-migration of longtime residents, many of whom may be renters, low-income residents, and people of color.” —Development Without Displacement

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Causa Justa :: Just Cause is a multi-racial grass roots housing and immigrant rights organization building community leadership to achieve justice for low-income San Francisco and Oakland residents. We have offices on both sides of the Bay.

Friend us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter at causajusta1   WHY? Because #housingisahumanright #Plazasixteen