Win Tenant Protections in Oakland



Allies and Supporters –

Thousands of Oakland’s tenants are being intimidated by their landlords, harassed, or neglected in the landlords attempts to push them out.  We have worked with Council member Dan Kalb to draft an ordinance that will stop this behavior and fine landlords that intimidate or threaten tenants, and we need your support to get the council to pass it.
The Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO) will define harassment to include 16 different methods that we have seen landlords use to push tenants out of their homes in Oakland.  In its definition of harassment it names: neglect to make basic repairs, physical and verbal threats, the threat of calling ICE, and a number of other actions that will be punishable with administrative and civil penalties. It gives tenants the ability to both make complaints directly to the city and take legal action against landlords who violate the rights that all tenants have to healthy housing.
Tell Your Story
Let’s show the media and City government just how serious the situation is in Oakland. Post your story about harassment or eviction on our blog today. Each entry will be sent directly to the City Councilmembers and the press to build the case for this new law. We wont use your name unless you include it. Don’t have a personal experience with harassment? Check out the BLOG to see stories others are posting.


Make this Quick Phone Call Tuesday, October 7th


Dear Members, Friends and Allies,

This past Tuesday the Community and Economic Development Committee heard testimony from courageous tenants, Causa Justa / Just Cause leaders, and allies who all spoke out in support of the Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO) in Oakland.  Along with all the supporters were a lot of landlords and two major landlord groups – the East Bay Rental Housing Association and the Jobs and Housing Coalition, who came out in opposition to the TPO. The council delayed the debate on the TPO and continued it to Tuesday, October 14th for the debate and vote.  

Today is a major CALL-IN day to tell the City Council loud and clear that we need them to pass the TPO and not to water it down.

Please pick up the phone and call the following councilmembers (in this order if you dont have much time) :

Rebecca Kaplan (At-large rep)  (510) 238-7008   

Libby Schaaf (District 4)   (510) 238-7004   

Noel Gallo (District 5)  (510) 238-7005    

Desley Brooks (District 6) (510) 238-7006  

Lynette McElhaney (District 3) (510) 238-7003   

Pat Kernighan (District 2)  ( 510) 238-7002     

Dan Kalb (Champion – District 1)   (510) 238-7001 

Larry Reid (ANTI – District 7)  (510) 238-7007    

When you call, give them this simple message:

Council member, I am calling to urge you to pass the Tenant Protection Ordinance to protect Oakland’s renters and families from displacement. 

We want the TPO to:

·      Apply to as many units as possible!  Don’t leave anyone out of these protections

·      Have civil penalties! This will be what deters bad landlords from using intimidation to push out their tenants

·      BE PASSED NOW! Do not let the elections or any other reason delay a protection that is needed today.

That’s it. You can add whatever you want. Tell them your story. Tell them why it is particularly important to you. But whatever you do, call today – It’s Tenants Rights Tuesday!


For more information please contact; 510 693 0605

Thanks for your support!


What is the TPO? You can download it from the City’s website here.

Together, we can take a stand to stop displacement and build a movement for the rights of low income communities of color to stay in Oakland! Why? Because #housingisahumanright

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Ya es hora de proteger a los inquilinos

Como saben, la crisis de la vivienda en Oakland cada vez está peor y necesitamos actuar para aprobar leyes que pongan freno a los desalojos y al aburguesamiento, los cuales continúan arruinando la salud y el bienestar de la familias, los inquilinos, los inmigrantes y las personas de edad avanzada en Oakland.

Miles de inquilinos de Oakland están siendo intimidados por los dueños de las casas para echarlos —hostigados y desatendidos. Hemos trabajado con Dan Kalb, concejal en la alcaldía, para redactar un mandato que pondrá freno a este tipo de comportamiento y obligará a estos dueños abusivos a pagar una multa. Necesitamos su ayuda para lograr que el concejo municipal lo apruebe.
El ‘Mandato de Protección a los Inquilinos’ (TPO por sus iniciales en inglés) define el hostigamiento o actitudes abusivas de parte de los dueños de las casas de 16 maneras que hemos visto que practicaron en el pasado para echar a los inquilinos: negarse a hacer reparaciones básicas, amenazas físicas y verbales, amenazas con llamar a la migra (ICE) y muchas otras mañas que serán castigadas de manera administrativa y civil. El mandato permite a los inquilinos presentar quejas directamente a la alcaldía, e iniciar procedimientos judiciales en contra de aquellos que violen los derechos de los inquilinos a una vivienda saludable.
Cuéntenos su historia
Mostremos a los medios de comunicación y a los gobernantes de la alcaldía lo grave que es la situación en Oakland. Comparta hoy mismo en nuestro ‘blog’ la historia de su desalojo o del hostigamiento que está sufriendo. Las enviaremos a los concejales de la alcaldía y a los medios de comunicación para demostrar la necesidad de esta nueva ley. No usaremos su nombre a no ser que usted quiera. ¿Nunca le ha hostigado el dueño de su casa? Lee las historias de otras personas en el BLOG.

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