Renter Protections
- Silicon Valley Rising, along with allies sent a letter to all city council members in Santa Clara County, asking them to join with San Jose to immediately enact strong paid sick leave ordinances to protect our public health— Sign the petition here
- Here is the Tenants Together Statewide Eviction Moratorium petition
- Here is petition from Housing Now
- Use this template letter to ask your local elected officials for parallel local measures.
- Support low wage workers. Here’s a petition to SF and Oakland Mayors from Dr. Rupa Marya, an associate professor of medicine at UCSF.
Domestic workers are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus. They must receive affordable healthcare, paid time off & job security. Text LEAVE4ALL to 97779 and tell Congress: Domestic workers need paid sick leave NOW.

May Day Oakland 2018. Photo by Brooke Anderson, Stills of our Stories & Struggles
- Ensure all people have access to health care and suspend ALL immigration enforcement activities and operations
- AUDITAhern Coalition Sign On Letter – Demands for Santa Rita Jail in Age of Coronavirus Pandemic
- Stop COVID in Jails letter
- Phone Zap Santa Rita on MARCH 18
- Support the Santa Rita Jail Collective Grievance & Prisoners’ Demands for Safe and Sanitary Living Conditions.
- #ReleaseThemALL petition
Food for Children
- Several schools in San Francisco will provide meals for school children.
- “Grab and Go” breakfast and lunch meals will be available for all Oakland Unified School District students or families and any Oakland child under 18.
Free Wifi: Xfinity
For a map of their free hot spots visit //
Check out this growing list of Community Guide of Resources