Wells Fargo Being Examined by Regulators


Wells Fargo is getting examined for its CRA practices right now.  We all have a rare opportunity to tell the federal regulator of national banks (Comptroller of the Currency or OCC) whether they think Wells Fargo Bank is meeting community needs. The California Reinvestment Coalition is calling on people across California and the nation to write the Comptroller about Wells Fargo by the end of this month or as close as the first few days of next month (November) as possible..

For the first time in many years, the mega banks are getting real exams. It is our opportunity to be heard. Wells Fargo Bank does payday lending. Wells Fargo Bank has been foreclosing on families across California. Wells Fargo is evicting tenants and leaving houses empty to blight neighborhoods. 

Write to bank examiner Scott Wilson at the OCC today. Here’s how.  Let him know your concerns about Wells Fargo’s lack of good CRA practices.  A short fact sheet is attached as well as a sample letter that you can modify and send.  Please send CRC a copy so that we can let the media know how many Californians and others have weighed in on this. You can also go to www.calreinvest.org.

Once again, to send a letter to:  //org2.democracyinaction.org/o/7297/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=11954
and send an email from there.  
Send your comment letter today!  You can send it from your organization or as an individual.  Tell your friends so they can send a letter too.