Immigrant Rights Services
CJJC is broadening our scope of immigrants rights services as our organizing work also expands. We work with schools, community centers and in multi-unit buildings to inform people of their rights and support them in being able to exercise them. Some of the workshops we offer include:
Know Your Rights When:
Encountering law enforcement
Applying for an AB60 California driver’s license
Applying for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)
Exercising your rights as a tenant
If you or your organization are interested in a workshop in Spanish or English on one of the topics above, please contact Kitzia,
Mensaje a nuestra comunidad: (inglés sigue)
Sabemos que este momento en la historia constitute una amenaza al bienestar de los inmigrantes y sabemos que ustedes tienen preguntas e inquietudes importantes acerca de sus protecciones. Estamos aquí para apoyarlos. A continuación podrán ver enlaces a recursos en español e inglés que podrán ayudarles. Seguiremos añadiendo información.
Message to our community:
We know that this time in history is a threat to the well-being of immigrants and that you have questions about your protections. We are here to support. Below are links to resources in Spanish and English that will be helpful to you. We will keep adding information here.
Español and English Resources//Recoursos
Immigrant Legal Resource Center talking points:
Information on DACA Renewals/ Driver’s License/ Resources for Schools:
Español-Conozco sus Derechos (español)-Educar a los miembros de la comunidad
English–How to Prepare/Rapid Response
>>Only in English/ Solo en inglés
Useful websites for DACA recipients and Advance Parole: //
Clean slate services for individuals with criminal records:
Free immigration aid services from East Bay Community Law Center: