Friends of CJJC,
The day has come for us to close our doors. Earlier this week we celebrated with our staff and members our collective efforts towards liberation. The joys we shared and struggles we overcame together. It was an evening filled with sharing food, creating art together, dancing, and reminiscing on our shared history. Last night we had a holiday celebration with our members and marked the sunset of our organization with food, community and sharing of memories of campaigns and struggles we have waged over the years. It was a bittersweet evening and we know many of you share those same feelings as we move into uncertain political times for the Bay Area and the country as a whole.
We are grateful to have existed in an ecosystem of powerful ally organizations that will continue advocating for tenants and immigrants alike in the Bay Area. While CJJC will not be open in 2025, there are many resources for tenants and immigrants that exist in our movement ecosystem and we want to make sure you know who to call if you have problems with your landlord in the future. Our staff has been hard at work transferring cases and securing support for our communities. who can take up the charge and we are confident that help us out there for our folks. Please check out the resources below and share with your communities. We will also be placing this information and more up on our website, cjjc.org.
Causa Justa was built on a commitment of doing the laborious work of basebuilding, door by door, block by block. Our campaigns have sprouted from the ground up. And the community organizing that Causa Justa was built on, the tenant unions in buildings, the neighborhood meetings, the grassroots campaigns are all still needed.CJJC’s Board is working on a legacy plan to pass on generous gifts to local organizing efforts that must fill in the gaps and rise to the occasion of fighting the corporate landlords and discriminatory governments. As those allocations are finalized, we will post the information to our website as well. But this is also an urgent call to you: you are the ones you have been waiting for. Organize your building, your neighborhood, your place of worship, your friends and family to fight for what you deserve. Find an organization that is doing good work in your community and join it. If there is not an organization that can represent you, form one. One thing remains true, even in times of reactionary politics: when we fight, we win.
Resource List below:
Tenant rights resources in San Francisco:
- For unlawful detainers, please contact the Eviction Defense Collaborative at (415) 659-9184. They are located at 976 Mission Street and have limited hours: Monday to Wednesday from 10:00 am–11:30 am and 1:00 pm–2:30 pm, as well as Friday from 10:00 am–11:30 am and 1:00 pm–2:30 pm.
- For rental assistance, you can reach RADCO at (415) 470-5211, also located at 976 Mission Street, with the same hours: Monday to Wednesday from 10:00 am–11:30 am and 1:00 pm–2:30 pm, and Friday from 10:00 am–11:30 am and 1:00 pm–2:30 pm. Alternatively, call (415) 653-5744 or visit sferap.com.
- For cases of harassment, repairs, rent increases, verbal evictions, 3-Day Notices or questions about your lease contact the Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco at (415) 703-8644. If you are under rent control, you can also reach the San Francisco Rent Board at (415) 252-4600.
- If you are certain you live in a permitted unit and need urgent repairs, contact the Department of Building Inspection at 628-652-3400.
Tenant rights resources in Oakland:
For Repairs in Legal Units:
- Code Enforcement Services: (510) 238-3381
- Alameda County Vector/Pest Control: (510) 567-6800
- Alameda County Public Health Department: (510) 267-8000
For Repairs in Illegal Units or Questions about Rent Increases:
- Call or File a petition with the Oakland Rent Adjustment Program: (510) 238-3721
For Harassment or Discrimination:
- Contact the Human Relations Commission: (510) 267-9448
For Tenant Counseling:
- Oakland Tenants Union: (510) 704-5276
For Evictions:
- East Bay Community Law Center: (510) 548-4040
- Centro Legal de la Raza: (510) 437-1554
- Eviction Defense Center: (510) 452-4541
For Mediation Services:
- SEEDS Community Resolution Center: (510) 548-2377
- Oakland Rent Adjustment Program: (510) 238-3721
Important Reminders:
- Do not sign any documents you do not understand.
- All evictions must go through a court process.
Lastly, remember not to sign any documents you do not understand, and be aware that all evictions require a court process.
Immigrant rights support:
- Mujeres Unidas y Activas: 415-621-8140
- PODER: 415-431-4210
- La Raza Centro Legal: 415-575-3500
- CARECEN: 415-642-4400
- Mission Action: 415-282-6209
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center