Immigrant Rights
It is important for our families, friends and co-workers to be informed about and defend our rights.
Don’t let Immigration in without your permission.
To enter a building, home or workplace, Immigration has to have permission from the employer or homeowner, or a warrant signed by a judge, saying specifically what part they want to search and the people they want to question. If you open the door for them and let them come in, you are giving your permission. Be careful!! If they say they have a warrant from a judge, demand to see it.
Don’t open the door to people you don’t know.
A lot of times, Immigration agents don’t wear uniforms, and they can be confused with salespeople or regular people. Remember that Immigration can’t come in your house unless they have a warrant from the court…or if you let them in.
Don’t tell anyone where you are from or whether you have papers. Demand to speak to an attorney.
Immigration can’t try to deport you if they don’t have the necessary information to prove that you don’t have papers. If you tell them where you are from, how you came in, and that you don’t have papers, that’s all the information they need to detain and deport you. Don’t share your immigration status nor the status of others. Don’t be a snitch for Immigration.
It is probable that even if no one says anything, Immigration agents will arrest you or try to intimidate you.
If you don’t give information to Immigration, they have to let you go. Although Immigration will pressure you, resist! Don’t let them defeat you.
If there is a raid, don’t run! Stay calm.
If you run, Immigration has the necessary cause to detain you. Don’t run, walk away in a calm manner and try not to look nervous.
Don’t sign anything until you talk to a lawyer.
If Immigration detains you, they will try to get you to sign your voluntary departure. But if you sign it, you could lose your rights. Demand the right to speak to a lawyer before signing any paper.
Don’t show Immigration false documents.
It is very dangerous to use fake papers. If immigration catches you with them, they can fine, deport and prohibit you from ever getting legal residency.
If the police stops and asks you for your name, give it to them.
You need to give your name to the police if they ask you for it. You have the right to not say anything to Immigration.
If you are detained, ask for your case number and a local hearing.
Once you are detained by Immigration, you should give them your full and true name and ask for your case number. Only with your name and case number can your family or lawyer find you. During the deportation process, demand a court hearing in your city to prevent being taken to another state.
Prepare for a raid with a plan of action.
Tell your friends, family members and co-workers what their rights are during a raid. Try to decide together that if there is a raid, EVERYONE, regardless of their immigration status, will refuse to talk to Immigration and will demand to speak to a lawyer. Have a list of family members and friends for your children in case you are detained. Always keep an original copy of your documents in a safe place and carry a copy.
If there is a raid and you are documented, exercise your rights to remain silent.
If there is a raid and no one says anything, Immigration cannot do its job. This is the best protection that we have as a community.
Be careful with notaries or people who promise you papers.
Know that “notaries” are not lawyers and that some notaries can give you wrong information. Always get a second opinion from a legal organization before you spend a lot of money in a false application.
Be aware of differences between US laws and laws in your country of origin.
There are certain infractions and violations that can put you at risk of being detained by the police or Immigration, such as urinating in public, instigating violence in the home and drinking alcohol in the street.
Stay informed about changes in the law.
Currently, there is no amnesty or other legalization program. It is important to keep documentation that proves your length of stay in the US. You have the right to emergency medical care, education and financial support through your children.
We need to remain united in the struggle for real and just change in immigration laws. Now more than ever, we need to raise our voice for dignity and justice for all.
Immigration KYR Prepared by Deporten a la Migra Coalition in San Francisco. Deporten a la Migra is St. Peter’s Housing Committee, La Raza Centro Legal, Day Labor Program, CARECEN, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, Filipino Community Center, POWER, PODER, Young Workers United, and CISPES.
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