It’s the Summer of Outreach and we want you to join us! There are lots of opportunities to do some grassroots organizing with us.
To get you started, we’re having: 1 more General Outreach Training in our West Oakland office on:
- Saturday, July 28, 10am-noon
We’re all about outreach efforts and grassroots organizing. For instance, during our 6-week Community Oakland Health and Wellness Fair outreach efforts in Spring, we reached over 1,100 people and 133 people decided to join Causa Justa :: Just Cause as new members and stand along with us!
Check out what we’re doing this summer:
Homeowners Outreach-Oakland
•Every Thursday (June 20-Aug. 30) from 4pm-8pm, we are doing outreach to Oakland residents in some stage of foreclosure. We meet at the West Oakland office at 3:30pm for preparation, and then the team heads out to hit the first door at 4pm.
Our outreach team is made of volunteers and members who want to spread the word that you can get help and that CJJC is here to support you in the fight to stay in your home. We are looking for bi-lingual (Spanish speaking) folks, people of color and women who would like to hit the doors with us. We also need folks who drive. Many of the homes are spread out over a long enough distance, and we want to make sure that for each team we send out, there is one person with a car.
For more info contact Alma Blackwell 510-763-5877 ext. 314.
Immigrants Rights Outreach in Oakland:
As we fight the federal Secure Communities law from the neighborhoods to the State House, we are talking with residents about how they feel we can have stronger protections for immigrants and how the only Secure Community is an organized community. Come help on outreach days, July 24th and 25th from 1:30-8:30pm and July 26th from 4-8pm. Spanish fluency is required.
For more info contact Alma Blackwell 510-763-5877 ext. 314.
Homeowners dealing with foreclosure can get more grounded at our Homeowner Clinic:
- Tuesdays, 6:30pm in our West Oakland office
- Every 4th Saturday of the month in our East Oakland office, from 12-2pm, 9124 International, Oakland.
Email, or call 510-763-5877 ext 401
Tenants in Foreclosure Outreach – San Francisco
CJJC, along with several other housing groups are reaching out to tenants living in foreclosed apartment buildings and homes. We’re looking for bilingual volunteers and people of color and women who would like to volunteer for this outreach with us as we head out to the Excelsior and Mission districts. With each pair we send out, we want to make sure there is one person with a car.
Volunteers can come help with door-knocking and outreach:
For more info contact Alma Blackwell 510-763-5877 ext. 314.
So learn about grassroots organizing and come walk the streets with us!