Eviction Protection 2.0 (esoañol sigue)
Tenant Protection 2.0, introduced by Supervisor Jane Kim, provides urgently needed reforms to the City’s Rent Control law to address the eviction crisis that is impacting the City. The number of eviction notices issued to tenants has increased by 67% in five years. The aim of this ordinance is to reduce evictions by fixing loopholes and gaps in the law that are being exploited by speculators and landlord lawyers. The legislation is co-sponsored by Supervisors Campos, Mar, and Avalos.
What does Eviction Protections 2.0 do?
1. Stops sham evictions: Protects tenants against evictions based in exaggerated claims or minor violations. Requires landlords to provide additional notice and a meaningful opportunity for tenants to resolve disputes before being evicted.
Because Tenants should not be evicted because they leave a stroller in the hallway: The surge of evictions over the past 5 years is not a result of more tenants behaving badly. It is a result of more aggressive landlord practices, supported by a growing industry of eviction specialists. More landlords are resorting to ‘gotcha’ evictions for alleged violations of obscure rules or harmless mistakes, such as painting a bedroom wall a different color or hanging laundry out of a window. Landlords should be required to show that evictions are based upon substantial violations of a rent agreement or ongoing poor conduct. We should not encourage and reward the use of minor mistakes as a basis to evict tenants and then raise rents.
2. Stops evictions based upon arbitrary restrictions on adding roommates: In a City with the nation’s most costly rents, tenants should be given reasonable opportunity to request to add or change a roommate. The Tenant Protections ordinance would require landlords to have a reasonable basis to object to a roommate.
Because Tenants should not be evicted for wanting to live with their partners. Landlords are increasingly applying different and dangerous standards on approving changes in roommates and family living arrangements. Seniors for example, are denied the opportunity to share their apartment with a caretaker. Tenant Protections would expand existing protections that require owners to have a reason to reject a request to add a roommate and would give tenants 10 days’ notice to resolve a request that does not receive the landlord’s permission.
3. Protects the affordability of Rent Controlled units after certain evictions or specific landlord actions: Evictions should not be motivated exclusively by a landlord’s desire to increase the rent. The legislation would require that rents not be increased after a no-fault eviction, a change in terms of tenancy, or by the landlord’s decision to discontinue participation in programs such as Section 8.
Because tenants should not be evicted for profit: We need to stabilize rent increases and prevent the loss of the City’s extremely limited rent-controlled housing. With vacancy control, landlords who force a tenant to move through no -fault evictions will not be able to increase the rent for the next tenant.
4. Provides tenants with translated notice on where to get advice about evictions: San Francisco’s diverse communities deserve equal access to counseling and advice about evictions. Tenant Protections would require landlords to provide basic translated information about where to get help
Because tenants should not be evicted because they don’t speak or read English: Eviction notices set strict deadlines for tenants to act or face a lawsuit and potential eviction. Current law only requires landlords provide information about the City’s Rent Board in English. This proposal would require that information be provided in other languages including Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Eviction Protections 2.0 is supported by
Affordable Housing Alliance
AIDS Housing Alliance
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
Asian Law Caucus
Bill Sorro Housing Program
Causa Justa::Just Cause
Chinatown Community Development Center
Community Tenants Association
Council of Community Housing Organizations
D8 Democrats
Eviction Defense Collaborative
Eviction Free San Francisco
Harvey Milk Club
Hospitality House
Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco
Jobs with Justice
Mission Economic Development Agency
Mission SRO Collaborative
People Organized to Win Employment Rights
San Francisco Labor Council
San Francisco Tenants Union
San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters 8 San Francisco Rising
SEIU 1021
Senior Disability Action
South of Market Community Action Network
Tenants Together
Tenderloin Housing Clinic
Resumen de Protecciones Contra Desalojos 2.0
¿Que es Protecciones Contra Desalojos 2.0?
Protecciones Contra Desalojos 2.0, introducido por Supervisadora Jane Kim provee reformas urgentes a la ley de Control de Renta de San Francisco. El número de avisos de desalojos expedido a inquilinos a aumentado 67% en los últimos 5 anos. El objetivo de esta ordenanza es reducir los desalojos cerrando los huecos en la ley que están siendo explotados por especuladores y abogados de arrendatarios. Esta legislación está co-patrocinada por Supervisadores Campos, Mar, and Avalos.
¿Que hace Protecciones Contra Desalojos 2.0 ?
1. Detiene Desalojos Falsos: Protege a inquilinos contra desalojos basados en reclamos exagerados o violaciones me menores. Requiere que arrendatarios den un aviso adicional y una oportunidad significativa para que los inquilinos puedan resolver el problema antes de ser desalojados.
Porque Inquilinos no deben ser desalojados por tener una carreola en el pasillo: La oleada de desalojos en los últimos 5 años, no es el resultado de más inquilinos portándose mal. Es el resultado de las prácticas más agresivas por arrendatarios a desalojar a inquilinos, apoyados por un sector creciente de especialistas de desalojo. Más arrendatarios están recurriendo a desalojos ‘gotcha’ por supuestas violaciones a regulaciones oscuros o errores inofensivos, como pintar una pared un color diferente o tender ropa por la ventana. Los arrendatarios deberían estar obligados a demostrar que los desalojos se basan en violaciones sustanciales de un contrato o comportamiento continuamente malo. No debemos alentar y recompensar el uso de pequeños errores como base para desalojar a los inquilinos y luego aumentar las rentas.
2. Detiene desalojos basados en la restricción arbitraria a agregar un compañero/a: En la ciudad que tiene las rentas más caras en toda la nación, inquilinos deben tener una oportunidad de solicitar agregar o cambiar un compañero/a. Protecciones Contra Desalojos requeriría que arrendatarios de una base razonable para oponerse a un compañero/a.