Back on April 7th, we released this 100-page report and we have been amazed and honored by the positive response from local activists, from the press, and from people fighting gentrification all over the country.
Because we have been able to recoup our costs on the first printing of the report, we now want to offer the report for FREE DOWNLOAD to everyone and anyone who wants to use and distribute the electronic version of the report.
- Check out our definition of gentrification on page 8.
- On page 16, read a history of political economy and gentrification in the Bay Area
- Starting on page 55, we lay out proposed policy solutions. There are several dozen pieces of legislation and practices local governments can adopt to prevent or lessen the impacts of gentrification.
We are still selling the printed version of the report. contact lorraine@cjjc.org if you wish to purchase the report.
Thank you to everyone who has already purchased or received a free copy. We were humbled and inspired by some of the requests people wrote, like this one…
“This report will be used to not only educate myself but my peers at San Francisco State and in order to teach my high school students from Oakland about the realities of gentrification and what we can do to take action.” – Alan
or this one…
“To understanding the housing issues effecting me as a renter living in East Oakland; to share the information with my neighbors and congregation at church; as a tool for mobilization and community actions. “ – Cynthia
Now you no longer have to make an official request, you can just download the report here. We would love to hear what you will use the report for, what you think of it, any review, article, book report, essay or thesis you write about it. Please send your thoughts to rose@cjjc.org